Archive for December, 2017

Photo on 12-24-17 at 8.26 AM.jpg

here’s the seasonal doo-dads again,
updated. more stuff. also the bob
dylan section has been relocated;
visible but unrecognizable from here
are some CDs & cassettes, a bunch of
books, and an LP-sleeve with cover
art from several early albums. bob
is god around here. other artists
have (smaller, lesser) such sections
back in the audio-files room (where
most of this stuff was hitherto).
all this just to the right of the
mirror. there’s a foreign-language
section in there too.

Photo on 12-24-17 at 8.28 AM.jpg

self portrait with comix stuff & art
supplies. happy days, everybody!

Photo on 12-17-17 at 1.13 PM.jpg

 here… blurry as hell for some reason…
is a collection of trinkets-of-the-season:
snowmen-and-santa themed dishes and what-
-not. there’s a church program on the
menorah at left showing our-betty on her
90th birthday. you probably couldn’t
make that out even if the picture were
as sharp as it ought to be.