Archive for April, 2010

above we have pp 6, 7, 8, 1;
below are pp 2, 3, 4, 5. you fold
it up into a little booklet (a “micro-zine”,
i sometimes say… a “mini” [also known
as a “quarto”] is four times this size
[twice as large in each direction]).
here’s section 1.1
of my textbook (and much the most-hit
post of this blog): “the set of natural numbers”.
and here’s a shot of
this and some other MEdZes
in their “folded” state.
stand by for some more links.
who knows maybe some direct
explanation even.

flickr shot

all these MathEdZines…
## 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.2, 0.3,
0.6, 0.7, and 1
(together with the un-
numbered nanozine version
of \Bbb Z)…
are going with us to SPACE
a few hours from now.
where, with any luck, i'll trade 'em
all away for some really cool comics.

thread on the “traditional” math sequence at KTM led by le radical galoisien.

math on a mac by andy z =\pm 1 (aka amac235).

net value

sam j. shah’s filing cabinet.

escalante obit by jose vilson.

why was i not informed

al g. bra‘s weebly. this mathemusician… “weird algie” i call him… has been putting funny mathy lyrics to pop tunes for years and is darn good at it.

less is more in psychology today. cites sue v..